Thorough knowledge of law and procedure
Thorough knowledge of law and procedure
Excellent client care skills and meticulous preparation
First class lawyers who are approachable and truly excellent
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"An exceptional law firm"
Assuming a couple has been married for a year then they are entitled to obtain a
divorce. However, for some couples, divorce is not the only option.
When a couple separates, the finances can often be the most worrying and confusing area for them. Couples need to be careful to ensure they are not vulnerable in the short and long term but also that assets or income are not being attacked unfairly.
When a relationship breaks down, many couples are able to agree where their children will live and how their time should be divided. For some, however, this can be one of the most difficult and upsetting issues between them.
This can be a complicated area and usually centres on the specific facts of the case. The needs of any children are a paramount consideration for the court as part of financial proceedings within the divorce process.
If a couple are not married but plan to move in together, it is important to consider what will happen in the event that the relationship breaks down.
At Andy Harris Advocate we are dedicated to helping clients resolve disputes as amicably as possible. Whilst we accept that in some circumstances it may be appropriate for parties to communicate via lawyers, we recognise that in many cases issues can be resolved by giving individuals the opportunity to sit down together to discuss their concerns […]
The court process should be – and often is – a last resort for family disputes. Alternative Dispute Resolution is a broad title for the range of other options that are available to reach an agreement.
If drafted properly and all the necessary criteria are satisfied, pre-nups can be a very useful tool to protect wealth and to provide both parties with a degree of certainty for the future.
It is a sad fact that sometimes relationships and their breakdown can involve or result in domestic violence. Domestic violence is not just physical, it can be emotional and/or psychological. There are a range of remedies when this happens from a step as simple as calling the Police and going to a safe place to various court injunctions.
For some people, sadly, agreeing (or getting the court to order) the division of their assets is not the end of the process but the beginning. In such cases the most challenging step can be forcing the other person to actually comply with what they agreed or were ordered to do – enforcing it.
Some separating couples are simply not ready for a divorce to bring their marriage to an end or for a dissolution of their civil partnership. Others wish to avoid having to accuse their ex-spouse or partner of either adultery or unreasonable behaviour.
Andy Harris Advocate’s Children Law team offers expert advice on the essential legal issues associated with starting or adding to a family via surrogacy, whether through a domestic or international surrogacy arrangement.
Andy Harris Advocate’s Children Law team has extensive experience supporting families through a wide range of often complex public and private law matters, including those concerned with adoption and care proceedings.